US Election Voter Fraud Like It’s Going out of Style
Some things we leave up to theory. And for others, we rely on different opinions. But then there are those situations that unfold right before your eyes.
A trusted British friend sent this. I sure hope it’s not some urban myth. Some of the cc’d people are public figures in Europe. ..look out for a second email with the actual evidence…
Genius, a simple cunning plan to catch out any treasonous criminals.
On Thursday, 5 November 2020, 10:30:15 GMT, L. C. wrote:
To all Patriots worried about the election.
Please Read
Trump and his team have this.
This comes from 2 sources. I cannot disclose any more than what I am giving you so don’t ask.
I am not posting this as I have to stay active on F…B… at the moment but do what you want with the information.
A secret watermark was inserted into polling cards that Dems did not know about and turned up with dodgy polling cards.
Dept of Homeland Security controlled “official ballots” production.
Dems print Extras, no knowing about non-radioactive isotope watermarks on “official ballots”
Supposedly as each ballot went into the machine there is a reader for the isotope and it registers the ballot as false. It still registered the vote on the tally so it would look like nothing was being done so the Dems would not get wise and continue with there corruption.
This system of recorded information you can give it a name Quantum or Blockchain it does not matter for now just to know it is uncorruptible.
Military sting operation.
After weeding out all counterfeit ballots, Trump landslide will be confirmed.
All ballots being recounted by National Guard.
All “official mail In Ballots” also carry the water mark.
Special equipment only the Military has which has been given now to the national guard can read the water mark.
The perfect set up to show corruption.
Up date: It is possible that only 12 states were handled this way. All the ones who had the National Guard helping.
Up Date: Confirmed by another 4 sources.
This should put a smile on your dial.