1. Daniel Goorevitch on August 28, 2021 at 8:18 pm

    This is crazy. People really have died. There’s a lot of good things in his speech, but too much paranoia makes this video irredeemably distorted. For instance, people have been working on gene therapy for a long time. I agree that they have not been thoroughly tested and they hadn’t been tested sufficiently for human use. I agree that they might be dangerous in the short and long term. But that doesn’t mean there’s a plan, a conspiracy. It just means that people who were working on this gene therapy suddenly got greenlighted because of a kind of mass hysteria. It’s too bad that so much truth is mixed with so much paranoia. What a pity!

  2. Daniel Goorevitch on August 28, 2021 at 8:27 pm

    PS: I am also against vaccine passports, against coercive medical treatments, against pressure of any kind. But the person in the video fails to see the broader perspective of Western cultural meltdown. He fails to see that there is a substitution of materialism (with scientific pretensions) for the older religious underpinnings of the culture that gave birth to scientific curiosity He fails to see that the hubris of scientistic materialists and their faith in computer modeling mirrors exactly the priestly cult behavior of pre-Gutenberg preachers. There is a shifting at the root of the culture, and that’s what we’re seeing. He fails to see that politicians are switching their source of authority from the church to the computer laboratory.

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