Please listen to and share this powerful front-line testimony. Dr. Charles Hoffe of Lytton, British Columbia tells how the Moderna “vaccine” has decimated the health of his small town, after they had no trouble naturally fending off Covid last year.

Now, many residents can’t sleep, their nerves burn with pain, their muscles won’t move properly, and their condition is worsening by the week. He lists his many concerns with these experimental products, and talks about how government officials have already sought to silence him. The interview was uploaded by Laura-Lynn Thompson..


  1. Deborah Smith on April 24, 2021 at 4:01 pm

    The video is not playing and if it does there is no sound.

    • admin on April 26, 2021 at 12:19 am

      It works for me. What computer and operating system are you using?

  2. Roger Dolphin on April 24, 2021 at 11:39 pm

    These Dear Whistle-Blowers, Laura Lynn and Dr. Charles Hoffe need the Protection from the Medical-Mofia

  3. :Maury-William: Shapka. ( my name is spelled with punctuation & changes are violation under Sec. 322 of the criminal code.) on April 25, 2021 at 1:56 am

    Though very little known & is also suppressed information, there is now a legal light at the end of the tunnel. Medical overseers can be held to account as well fines they levy can be proven fraudulent.
    This is because the legal system itself uses language, fraudulently convyed, then the autority of the medical college is fraudulently constructed ( Acts, statutes, ect.). Lawyers/judges education & practices are in language for the (a)voidance of their LIABILITY. So they run/wilt when confronted with this ( when evidence correctly placed!).
    Please convey to this courageous Dr. that if ( or when) he faces the legal ramifications of his taking this stand, that he can be helped. He can find himself (im)mune to the legal bullying that is comming.
    Time for all of us to stand up to this crazyness!

  4. Dale Watkins on April 26, 2021 at 4:30 am

    I’m truly glad I got my Pfiser vaccine, and my wife got the Maderna with no more than a wee bit of a sore shoulder for one day. After that, you wouldn’t even know you had a vaccination! This doctor’s scare tactic’s are ridiculous and unneeded! The vaccine has shown to be effective by all those in the high age range now having been vaccinated, where nursing homes are now safe places for them to live! Prince Rupert, the whole town was vaccinated, and the vaccine is working wonderfully for the people there, all now having the ability to feel a large weight off of their shoulders. We’re feeling fortunate to have had our vaccines, as are millions of others now!

    • admin on April 26, 2021 at 2:24 pm

      they’re not scared tactics. They’re factual reports of what he is seeing. I can understand you being to have gotten it yourself, and I hope it keeps working well with you. But to ignore the facts that this doctor is imparting, is missing the point. You think there are no harmful side effects? No deaths? You’re probably only getting your source of info from mainstream media which is obfuscating these truths. check out this page for some deeper understanding –

    • Tim O'Neil on June 4, 2021 at 2:10 am

      Scare tactics ? You have bought into the bullshit. This is a vaccine being pushed by Gates and the medical companies he owns. When the aids outbreak hit Gates was pushing a vaccine that was administered to women in Africa. The result was a generation of sterile women, child bearing age. Does this sound even remotely fucking similar? Go put your head back in the sand you idiot.

  5. Stephen Feeney on April 27, 2021 at 9:13 pm

    The pandemic is not over. Otherwise there would be no more infection or death.
    This is just a false proclamation.

    • admin on April 28, 2021 at 9:03 pm

      A pandemic, by strict definition, kills 3% of the people it infects. This situation is not causing 3% of deaths, therefore, it’s not a pandemic and frankly, never was. The justification for all the loss of freedom, the killing of the economy, the medical tyranny is that it is a pandemic. so if it’s not, by definition, then all those measures are not needed. Yes, people are dying. but people are always dying. There have not been more deaths than usual for a given year. this is verifiable. So why all the medical tyranny and loss of freedom?

  6. Dave Morison on May 25, 2021 at 7:57 pm

    Ivermectin is a great treatment for covid and many other issues. It is a well toleratated medication. When you recover from the flu you also have natural immunity, the way it’s supposed to be. It doesn’t leave you with questionable and experimental gene therapy wreaking havoc on any spike proteins it encounters. There are several endogenous, important spike proteins in the body. For instance, the placenta has them. Can pregnancy survive?

    • admin on May 25, 2021 at 7:58 pm

      Great comment Dave and an excellent question. “Children of Men” is a movie that has been playing in my thoughts lately. God bless.

  7. Murry Hellekson on June 5, 2021 at 3:11 am

    I have gotten GBS from the AZ vaccine I’m now in recovery. Contact me to here my story

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