This is a superb video that explains how successive derangement syndromes have infected the populace writ large.

The psychosis we are living through right now most visibly surfaced in the US with the gateway mental virus – Trump Derangement Syndrome – followed by Covid Derangement Syndrome, then the long-gestating Woke Derangement Syndrome. Next it metastasized to easily-induced derangement narratives such as the 2020 “fair” election, “domestic terrorism,” vaxxines, and who knows what next.

People have been so thoroughly broken down at this point, masses of them believe/obey virtually any decree our overlords fear-porn them into.  The video primarily attributes much of modern psychosis to television and social media. I would add fourth gen mind control weaponry, arsenal that might well not be revealed for years to come.

The video also explains how both individually and collectively as a society we can break out of a psychotic state. I’d like to think that those of us who never succumbed to any of the derangement syndromes must surely be of strong, grounded, healthy-minded stock, innately or otherwise. IMO, each one of us is worth, say, 60,000 of their walking braindead. 

We are in the throes of a global totalitarian coup d’etat that is purposefully practicing sophisticated applied behavior psychology on the populace. To counter this war on humanity, it is incumbent on those of us who are strong to fully activate the oppositional tactics outlined in the video. They said the most important one was “concerted action.” synopsis by Cat McGuire


  1. Col. Edwin L. Grey, USAF (ret.) on August 11, 2022 at 7:08 am

    “Trump Derangement Syndrome” is what got a bunch of gun-toting “tourists” to storm the Capitol. It’s what got some deranged painted-face guy with horns on his head to call himself a shaman.

    • admin on August 11, 2022 at 6:32 pm

      Hi Colonel. Thank you for your comment.
      I am taking it as totally tongue in cheek sarcasm, right?
      Otherwise, you and I are seeing things radically different.

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