From a Medical Doctor – ‘What I didn’t know about Vaccines’ from “Revolution for Choice” regarding Vaccines and Covid19
![When Will There Be A Vaccine For The New Coronavirus? Everything You Need To Know](https://specials-images.forbesimg.com/imageserve/1065782066/960x0.jpg?fit=scale)
If you read nothing else today, let it be this. “I am an M.D but let me tell you what I didn’t know and what 90% of all MD’s do not know. I did not know that vaccines had not been tested against any placebo, ever. I did not know that animal testing would be skipped for the future COVID vaccines. I did not know the 30 plus ingredients used in vaccines. I did not know there are neurotoxins; aluminum and mercury molecules in vaccines. I did not know enough to research vaccines before vaccinating my own children. I did not know that my own precocious active talking son would be vaccine injured. I did not know my own baby brother, also an MD, would become paralyzed with Guillain–Barré syndrome and then die after his Swine Flu vaccine in the same hospital where he had received his medical training. I did not know my Mother, an RN, would get eight vaccines in one day to “catch up” with newly added Center for Disease Control vaccines to keep her job as head nurse in the largest hospital in the county and then get such severe progressive brain-fog and daze and became unable to dial a phone or push an elevator button or remember any of her 5 children in a few weeks. And then have this dementia progress and then die in diapers.I did not know that vaccines were given a blanket indemnity from liability in 1986 and now total immunity from all COVID vaccines for the future. I did not know that we gave more vaccines than any other country starting on day one of a child’s life. I did not know that we have the highest rate of SIDS- Sudden Infant Death Syndrome – of the top 35 industrial countries. I did not know that we have more autism than any other country. I did not know that vaccines could injure an infant’s brain.I did not know that vaccines could result in autoimmunity and neurological damage. I did not know that herd immunity does not apply to vaccines and is a myth that was created by the Center for Disease Control. I did not know how emotional the topic would be and how angry people would be at me for just asking questions about vaccine safety. I did not know that pediatricians were paid to give vaccines. I did not know that the Center for Disease Control owns patents on so many vaccines.I did not know that the National Institute of Health stands to make billions of dollars on COVID vaccines. I did not know how angry at myself I would be for not knowing as a physician. I did not know that the Center for Disease Control committed fraud and destroyed evidence in their vaccines safety studies when it showed vaccines can cause autistic neurological changes. I did not know that a whistleblower came forward with all the evidence, but he was silenced.I did not know that Merck committed fraud in their vaccine research repeatedly. I did not know that aluminum molecules in the vaccine ingredients are connected to brain inflammation and brain inflammation has been proven to be connected to autism. I did not know that vaccines contain human cells from aborted fetuses. I did not know how much mainstream media would censor the independent research that showed these facts. I did not know that 90% of all vaccine research that the Center for Disease Control and the FDA use to “approve vaccines” are done by the scientists hired by vaccine makers. I did not know how many other millions of parents and families in the world have been affected by vaccine reactions. I did not know that Facebook would delete the scientific medical research until it happened to us.Getting a vaccine of any kind…or having your child vaccinated…is a form of Russian Roulette. The evidence is clear and abundant. Do not get a Covid-19 vaccine.”