Blackseed (Nigella sativa) and Honey – An easy, low cost solution to reduce Covid19 severity
Clinical study: Honey + Black Seed vs COVID
1)Alleviated symptoms 50% faster
2)Cleared the virus 4 days quicker
3)Reduced 30-day mortality
4)Cheap treatment!
Study link: https://www.medrxiv.org/…/2020.10.30.20217364v2.full
Get Nigella sativa seeds. Grind them up (as you would coffee beans) – mix with honey in this ratio:
1:1 ratio to receive either honey (1 gm/Kg/day) and Nigella sativa seeds (80 mg/Kg/day)
Guess what magical ingredient Blackseed has? Natural Quinine. That ring any bells?