Exposed Covid-19 Vaccine content – threat of testing to Africans
This video is hosted by a man and woman from Africa. They are doing a great job warning Africans about the plans Bill Gates has to test vaccines in West and South Africa. So they want people to know what is going to be in the COVID-19 vaccine. NOT a pretty picture. Please share.I know Black Lives Matter is based in America, but do black lives matter in Africa? This is an interesting test for the social justice warriors who unequivocally support Black Lives Matter and the main stream narrative of Covid and have become the social distance warriors. Now you’re in a bind. Can you still support this action of ‘testing’ the vaccins on Africans? Is Bill Gates rushing these never before tested vaccines without any trials on Africans because he cares first and foremost about their lives? Or…Do Gates and cohorts seem to feel Africa is a fertile land to test their untested, untrialed, unscientific experimental vaccines on African people? They’ve been doing so for a long time. No one is saying anything about this. This is an excellent video that lays out many aspects of what the Covid vaccines will likely involve. Perhaps nothing new to those in the know, but well put together. And very sad that Africans are still being used as lab rats for the minds behind the Covid scandemic.
If you’d like to read the transcript, here it is below.
It begins at 7:30mins into the video. Dr. Carrie Myer – internal medicine physician, osteopathic trained. 7:30The most important question/choice of your life is what does it mean to be human? DNA – your blueprint for life. How your body functions, how it grows, how it reproduces, our thoughts and memories. It’s similar to a computer or binary code. A small change in the pattern or code will have a very grand effect. You can: Remove a gene Place a missing gene in the genome Translocate – take out a gene and move it to another area You can take a synthetic gene or a gene from another organism and cut out part of the genome of the human and insert that new section of genome in there. When you are doing this, you are rewriting your genetic code – how much change in that code would it take to be considered not human? Is that ethical or legal? These are very important things to discuss because they’re trying to roll out this technology this year. This is also considered to be an engineered or synthetic cell line or genetically modified cell line. Those are all different words that might be used. You have to understand the lingo because it might be confusing what someone is trying to talk about. We cannot patent anything natural, or from nature, but we can patent something that has been modified or engineered. A good example is Monsanto. They changed something. It looks the same on the outside, but inside it’s not. Therefore they control and own those seeds. Transpose that onto a human cell line or a human. That could potentially mean that we could be patented or our human cell lines could be patented, and if it’s patented, it has to have owners. So I think you might see where I’m going with this. And then what if our DNA is modified with genes from another species. Are we still human? Is this transhumanism? And then what if our DNA or genome is modified and thus can be patented and owned. This is not sci fi movie or a future event. This is right now, today. This is called recombinant DNA and recombinant RNA technology,2And this is what is proposed for COVID-19 vaccine. The Corona Virus and COVID-19 Vaccines. They are designed to make us into genetically modified organisms. That is the sameterminology used for Monsanto’s seeds.The frontrunners for this recombinant DNA technology are Nodio (?), which is backed by theAIDS foundation, GlaxoSmithKlein, and Sanofy. Also Moderna, which is backed by the GatesFoundation.This type of DNA vaccine has never been used on humans before. Let me repeat that. Pleaseunderstand. This has never been used on humans before. Never.What they are proposingThey are now proposing to take something we’ve never used and inject it into everyone.Vaccine trials are being fast-tracked at a rate that I have never seen, nor did I ever expect tosee this. Skipping over the animal trials. Going directly to human trials.They’re not using good scientific methodology at all. They have no randomized placebo-controlled trials for any vaccine, which is legal standard for any therapy to be approved bythe FDA. They’re not following any sound scientific protocol to make sure this is safe for us,to make sure it would even work for us, to know anything about it and they want to inject itinto everybody.Vaccine Manufacturers are exemptThe vaccine manufactures are in general actually exempt from CODA liability, meaning it causesseizures, paralysis, etc. They aren’t, as a group, liable. They’re also exempted from randomized,controlled trials. They’re doing this with the COVID-19 vaccine, but they’re also doing this withother vaccines recently, where they just say, “Well, we’ve had the MMR vaccine before. Wedon’t have to do that. We might have tweaked it a little bit. It’s still the same thing.”What kind of mindset is that? I can’t believe that, because just a little change can make a bigdifference.Also, they are exempt from needing evidence to prove that these things will do what they saythey will do. So, for example, they just have to prove that the vaccine is producing antibodies.Okay, just because you have antibodies does not make you immune to something. We don’tknow that for a fact. We don’t know if it will work out in the population of the people. A realstudy would show that it works in the population of people. They’re not doing that. They saythey don’t have time. So it may not work at all.3What is the purpose, then?Another important fact to know about all vaccines is that many of them are using the MRC5aborted fetal cell lines from the 1960s. 1 This is an immortalized cell line. It means it does notdie. In other words, it is a cell that has lost the ability to go through apoptosis. And a cell thatcan’t go through that death process is called cancer. That is a definition of cancer. (BS)Another term for aborted fetal cells are diploid cells. They have other names for them, but I’mgiving you the two main ones they use if you look at the list of ingredients.Some of the vaccines that are using these “cancerous” cell lines are MMR (measles, mumps,rubella), chicken pox, shingles, Hepatits A and B, polio and others.Now, I just want to put this in because people are saying, “This is fantastical. There’s no waythis is going on. Absolutely not. I trust our government. I trust our companies. I trust Bill Gates.You’re saying false information.” I want to tell you thatMany, many physicians and researchershave tried to get this information to the publicfor many years andhave been silenced one way or the other.Many of my colleagues have tried to do that. I know I have tried my best. So we have tried tobring this to the public.When there’s money behind it,it doesn’t work.The media is controlled.This is why you don’t see other health-care professionals and researchers speak up more. Thereare some still, but you don’t see that group of us. You can say we don’t feel we have freedom ofspeech.ProvellaAn Italian report backed by the government of Italy and a group of scientists called Provellagave their conclusions about some of the vaccines just mentioned. Their group of scientistssaid, “These vaccines have the potential to increase oncogenesis [meaning increase risk of1 MRC-5 (Medical Research Council cell strain 5) is a diploid human cell culturelinecomposed of fibroblasts, originally developed from research deriving lung tissue of a14 week old aborted Caucasian male fetus.4cancer], increase risk of mutagenesis or mutant genes [what that would exactly mean, I don’tknow either], increase risk of transmitting live infections [This has been well known. A lot oftimes we have a bacteria that’s a contaminant or microplasma pneumonia – its a very commonbacteria – as a contaminant. This has nothing to do, supposedly, with the vaccine itself. But theyare in there. So you are getting an infection on top of the vaccine].So, folks, telling you just this part, this could be used potentially as a bioweapon.They’re injecting cancers into your body, along with very toxic substances, like mercuryderivatives, aluminum derivatives, and other things, like that. In addition to the unknown effectof the combination and accumulation of these vaccines together, and a synergistic effect thathappens.For instance, if you have one vaccine with a known amount of side effects and another with thisknown amount of side effects, and you put them together in a human’s body, within a certaintimeframe, it’s not just A + B = A and B. The two together can have a synergistic effect and havea 100 times more detrimental side effects. So we don’t know this. There haven’t been anystudies done on it.Children are the most susceptible due to the immaturity of their immune systems.So why is this being pushed so heavily on us if the currentresearch and evidence is flawedLet’s follow the money and that will usually give you some better ideas.In 2011, the German company CureVac was given $33 million for their research anddevelopment of RNA vaccines.2013, Moderna Therapeutics were given $25 million for their research and development of RNAvaccines.2015, Inovia was given $45 million for their DNA vaccine, which they also mention admitting tousing DNA nanotechnology. This is using very tiny robotic organisms.All of these companiesAre backed by the Gates foundationOr have been associated with the Gates Foundationin some way.5So far, these companies have been unable to get these products licensed for human use dueto the fact that these vaccines have failed to provide sufficient immunity in human trials.“Sufficient immunity”, again, is only stating that you have a certain amount of antibodies.Again, this is not showing that the person is completely immune out in the public to whatevervirus or bacteria they’re trying to protect you from. It is only looking at in a test tube how manyantibodies. This is not good science that proves the efficacy of these vaccines.In 2010, DARPA, which is the Pentagon’s Defense Advance Research Project Agency, militaryagency, started focusing on DNA and RNA vaccines. They have a synthetic DNA vaccine thatcould be delivered via non-invasive electroporation (using a kind of sticker with microneedles in it into your skin – you can barely feel it go in there). In their words, it is “toenhance subvert” humans at a genetic level.This is around the year Bill Gates heavily started to fund the DNA/RNA vaccines with thecompanies mentioned before.In 2012, DARPA acknowledges a brain-machine interface . That is, AI and the human brain willform a neural network and therefore have the ability to communicate by thought alone or beinfluenced or controlled remotely.So this is the idea. You go into maybe your smart home, think about your air conditioner, hourfan, your favourite program, have the stove start cooking something, who knows what, and ithappens because it’s wifi.That sounds cool, right? But think about that. This going one way, it’s coming back another way.What if the smart home can give you messages, too. This all ties in together. So bear with me.Another DARPA program around that time is NextGen Non-surgical Nan-technology EntryProgram. It involves non-invasive or minimally invasive brain-computer interfaces to read andwrite directly onto your brain. Do you understand what this means?They are rewriting what is happening in your brain, your memories, your thoughts? Now,people think this is exciting. It’s the Matrix. I want to learn karate. Download it. I know karate.Etc. So that part sounds cool. You think you can control this? Something else is controlling you.Rewriting your emotions, your experiences. You may have artificial memories of things. Youdon’t know what is reality. You become a character in a computer program that you do notcontrol.This is not sci fi. This is today.So also to note that DARPA funded a company that produces soft, plastic hydrogels, injectedbeneath the skin to perform healthy monitoring. They sync to a smart-phone app to give the6user immediate health insights. However, hydrogel nanotechnology grows and spreads in thebody once implanted.We do not know how this affects our DNA. We know it can send information directly andcontinuously to an artificial intelligence.Okay in all the smart phones we have health apps. You can disable it, but you can’t erase it. TheCOVID-19 they’re putting in has to do with it. They’re getting you set up. You have the app. Youhave the software. Now all you need is this little hydrogel. Then forever, everything in yourbody is monitored. (She gives examples) They know everything about you, continuously. It’sgoing to an AI program. What’s that doing?That’s something they’re trying to do very fast. They’re already getting you set up on yoursmart phone. This is not fastasy. This is real.In conclusionWe’re entering into unchartered territory that can change what it means to be human. Thevaccines for COVID-19 are not safe by any scientific technology. They’re introducing cancerous(?) and mutagenic cell lines into our bodies and have been for a long time. They’re introducingtoxins into our bodies. That’s been going on for a long time. Introducing different animalgenomes into our body. This has been going on for a long time. They do not have proof thatwhat they said they’re going to do will happen. There’s absolutely no proof yet. They don’t haveto have the proof. The recombinant RNA and DNA will cause permanent, unknown geneticchanges in a person’s body. Permanent. Once it’s changed, he or she will live with thatchange for the rest of their life. And also the ripple effects from the genetic change. Whoknows what they could be for the rest of their life?There’s no going back. “I got the vaccine. It didn't work. I won’t do it again.” No. It’s do or diewith this. I don’t know and I don’t think whoever is trying to market this really knows theultimate outcome. This doesn’t sound good.Essentially, this creates a new species and perhaps destroys the old one – us as humans that weknow. It’s also introducing nanotechnology and its robotic effects into the body.This is all suggesting the ability to uses this vaccine and its ancillary products (some of thenames are ID2020, etc.) to hook us all up to an artificial intelligence interface. This is not a one-way street. This is a two-way street.I know this is a lot to digest. It has scared me for years. I’ve been to scientific meetings wherethey talked about this. I’ve been to business meetings where they talk about this. This is real,not fantasy. I’ve studied this since I was in my early 20s and it’s real and we have to speak upnow, for us, for our families, for our future generations, for the human race. It’s not joke, guys.7Please do your own research as much as you can and start talking, and don’t stop the socialmedia. Stay on all of it. And you start flooding the social media with this. We have a chance ifwe start to wake up more people.It’s with greatest love and peace that I tell you this, and I'm happy to talk about other topicsand subjects, and I’ll give you these references that I have.So tell me what you think and please, speak up, Okay? Have a beautiful day.