Bill Gates
Brilliant, Disturbing, Excellent Journalism with a Hopeful and Positive Ending: The New Normal Documentary by
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Read MoreFunny but hard hitting and accurate video on Bill Gates – Eugenicist.
Coronavirus 2005, preplanned usage of a virus (COVID) on the world populace, Pentagon presentation
In 2005, a proposal for an engineered virus to be used against the populace. Initial tests were carried out and first used against the common people in Afghanistan and Iraq to disable brain activity associated with their connection to God or Allah. Problem, Reaction and Solution. Problem = Coronavirus, an engineered bio-weapon/virus that targets people…
Read MoreItalian parliament deputy Sara Cunial Calls for Arrest of Bill Gates for “Crimes Against Humanity”
A potential coronavirus vaccine funded by Bill Gates is set to begin testing in people, with the first patient expected to get it today
Healthy volunteers in Philadelphia and Kansas City, Missouri, will begin testing an experimental coronavirus vaccine starting this week. Inovio Pharmaceuticals, a small biotech in Pennsylvania, received regulatory clearance to begin testing. The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and other nonprofits have poured funding into Inovio’s vaccine project. The biotech said it expects to have early safety data…
Read MoreDavid Icke – Bill Gates, Elon Musk & Soros are Frontmen For The Top of the Pyramid
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