NDs for Truth - Live Video Discussions
The videos and chat will become available with our LIVE discussions on Thursdays at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific Time whenever possible.

SEASON 2 of NDs for Truth LIVE Discussions. Sharing many deep thinkers, brilliant minds, all discussing important topics in our naturopathic medicine profession and in the world at large.
Next on NDs For Truth
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Thursday February 9th, 2023 at 8pm Eastern / 5pm Pacific
Dr. Jason Loken, ND and Dr. Moshe will discuss health sovereignty, virus theory, cardiac pathology from Covid and vaccines, and other relevant topics for our times
Dr. Jason Loken, ND
Dr. Jason Loken’s mission is to deepen his understanding of the nature of the greater reality and the inner workings of health and vitality and learn how to live with more joy. To support this, Dr. Jason created the Inspire Health Podcast, where he interview’s inspirational leaders, visionaries, and game-changers in health and wellness, mind/body medicine, spirituality and more.
Along with his wife Téa they created the experiential platform, Inspire Life Multiversity, where they take the wisdom unveiled through varied top guests on the podcast and offer it in a way that is practical and relevant within the everyday. These tangible experiences known through on-line courses, take participants through a transformative journey of true higher education while awakening them to a purposeful and inspired life.
Dr. Jason and Téa combine their decades of Naturopathic Medicine, Osteopathy, Integrative Medicine, meditation, yoga and metaphysics experience to create books, products, on-line courses and retreats that inspire and support others to find their OWN path to greater health, true potential and joy.
We'll be holding weekly (most weeks) on Thursday evenings at 8pm Eastern, video discussions with NDs and other guests. The videos will appear here LIVE and also on Facebook and Youtube. Archived videos can also be seen here.
Discussing the following topics:
ND colleges abandoning naturopathy, firing Elders
Naturopathic healing for Covid19
Covid19 Related Discussion
Conspiracy Realism (NWO / Agenda 2030)
Bill Gates
5G stuff
Cancel Culture / Woke / BLM
Climate Change
Questioning Viral Theory
We the People – Sovereign Rights, Legal stuff

With Your Host

Moshe Daniel Block, ND, HMC, VDP, VNMI is the author of The Revolution of Naturopathic Medicine: Remaining True to Our Philosophy, a book about the philosophy and practice of naturopathic medicine, and Holistic Counseling – Introducing the Vis Dialogue, a book about a breakthrough healing method uniting the worlds of Mind-Body Medicine & Psychology. He graduated from the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine (Toronto, Ontario) in 2000. Dr Block then went on to complete the Homeopathic Master Clinician course with Louis Klein, FSHom, in 2003. He specializes in autoimmune illness and myasthenia gravis, a disease he was personally diagnosed as having and from which he has healed himself. He teaches the cutting-edge, life-changing mind-body medicine certification program called Holistic Counseling (holistic-counseling.ca) (VDP).